CCEM part of the consortium that will provide Owner’s Engineer services for CCTG 295 MW
A future success story for the community of Craiova
The Energy and Environment Consulting Company – CCEM announces with enthusiasm its participation, as a subcontractor, in the consortium coordinated by Ciga Energy Epic S.A. which will provide Owner’s Engineer services for the construction of a natural gas power plant – CCGT (295 MW) in Craiova, were Electrocentrale Craiova is the final beneficiary. The other partners in the consortium are RomCapital Invest SA, SS&A Power Consultancy AG and SS&A Power Consultancy doo.
The service package offered runs along 3 phases of the project, starting from the preparatory activities, EPC contractor selection, supervision and project management, until the warranty period of the CCGT.
The project that benefits from this highly specialised assistance is called “New 295 MW high-efficiency cogeneration electricity and heat production capacities on natural gas for Societatea Electrocentrale Craiova SA” and has a total budget of 1.28 billion lei (without VAT) , of which 64% represent an European grant via PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan).
We are honoured to be part, together with all the other members of the consortium, of an EU funded project, which will bring significant benefits to the community of Craiova and the Romanian energy sector.
For additional details please see:
Ciga Energy Epic Signs Contract for 295 MW Natural Gas Power Plant in Craiova (comunicatedepresa.ro)