Currently, dr. Claudia Eudora Tomescu is managing the Project Development Department, in the Energy Division, at CCEM. After graduating the „Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Electrical and Power Engineering Faculty she earned a Ph.D. (Eng.) in air quality with the thesis “CO2 capture technologies and the optimization of their integration in the existing power plants”.
Mrs. Claudia Eudora Tomescu has 40 years of experience in the field of environmental protection and climate change, being a certified key expert according to MAPM (Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests) requirements. Throughout her career, she coordinated EIA studies necessary to obtain the environmental permit for projects related to: the generation, transmission and distribution of heat and/or power; energy efficiency; integrated municipal waste management systems; recycling, storage and closure of industrial wastes dumps.
Mrs. Claudia Eudora Tomescu is an expert both in the implementation of environmental legislation and EU directives in Romania, especially in terms of air quality, environmental protection and climate change, as well as in ESP (environmental and social policies) promoted by IFIs (International Financial Institutions) such as EBRD, EIB and WB.
In the field of Air Quality and Atmospheric Protection, Mrs. Claudia Eudora Tomescu has a rich activity in the determination of pollutant emissions from fossil fuels power plants and modelling of the dispersion of polluting substances discharged into the atmosphere, in order to assess the impact on air quality. She has developed several projects for LCT implementation such as: dust containment facilities; the desulphurisation and reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions from flue gases; CO2 capture, transport, use and safe storage (CCUS).
Also, Mrs. Tomescu coordinated the national studies regarding the implementation of the IPPC provisions and IPCC Guidelines for national inventories and forecasts of atmospheric pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Mrs. Claudia Eudora Tomescu is an expert CE evaluator for R&I projects in the field of energy and environmental protection, she is a member of the working group at VGB Power Tech “Flue Gas Cleaning”, ZEP (Zero Emissions Platform) and the Romanian Environmental Association 1998.
Her gained expertise includes the coordination of numerous interdisciplinary teams, the strengthening of institutional capacity in the field of environmental protection and climate change, as well as the assessment of training and reporting needs at the level of central authorities in the field.