Marian Dobrin
ENERGY Division Director
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Mr. Marian Dobrin graduated from Power Engineering Faculty, University Politehnica București and holds a Ph.D. in engineering sciences since 2012. Starting with June 2023, Dr. Marian Dobrin is Energy Division Director at CCEM.
Throughout his over 30-year career in the energy field, Dr. Dobrin was involved in various projects of major interest for the Romanian energy sector, such as: project team member developing the first IPP model together with EGC – Israel and TOMEN Japan; project team member for financing Unit 2 – Cernavoda NPP; project manager and technical advisor for funding applications and technical support documentations for DHS retrofitting – upgrading within SOP Environment 2007-2013, and LIOP 2014-2020, etc.
Dr. Dobrin is senior expert for energy and environment related policies, energy efficiency, RES use for heat and electricity production, energy transition, financial analyses and setting up financing structures for investment projects.
Dr. Dobrin is certified in structural funds accession by the European Training Institute (ETI) and European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA), gaining experience while being involved also in several European research (H2020, IEE, RFCS) and EIB, WB, EBRD projects.
Dr. Dobrin substantially contributed to the completion of main strategic projects in energy and climate change topics, as: correlating the Romanian energy policy to the actual social background by integrating fuel poverty issues and addressing energy efficiency needs/solutions in low-income communities; performing the Energy Efficiency Action Plan at national & local level; analysing the techno-economic feasibility of introducing new LCT on the energy market; preparing the National Plan of Allocation in compliance with EU-ETS Directive and managing CO2 emissions mitigation plans; promoting and implementing RES use, and high-efficient cogeneration.
Dr. Dobrin is member of the National Romanian Committee for World Energy Council (WEC-RNC).